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  1. Logy.AI: Revolutionizing Oral Health Through Artificial Intelligence
    Strategy Logy.AI: Revolutionizing Oral Health Through Artificial Intelligence

    Capitalizing on the digitalization trend, Logy.AI captures a substantial market in the Indian and Nigerian oral healthcare space, earning a revenue of US$110,000 in FY 2023. The company's international and domestic adoption, which exceeds 200,000 within a year, demonstrates its significant influence and growth potential, while the anticipated 173% growth in FY 2024 signals a clear path to profitability, steering toward financial sustainability while expanding its market presence. Priyanjit Ghosh, Co-founder and CEO of Logy.AI, recalls the path to building Logy.AI. While driving home from a party to celebrate his team's efforts and the impact their solution had made, the exchange of ideas between the founders sparks a profound thought about Logy.AI's way forward. How do they revolutionize the oral healthcare market for their growth journey? Should Logy.AI look beyond oral care to explore AI solutions for other healthcare problems? Should they penetrate new markets with the AI-based oral detection solution they already have? What should be their growth strategy and operating model?

    Learning Objectives

    By working through the case and its discussion questions, students will have an opportunity to: - identify suitable growth strategies - assess the critical dimensions and the associated implications of building a marketplace, - explore the operating model of platform-based businesses, and - evaluate the key capabilities required at each stage of an entrepreneurial journey.

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    Published: Mar 25, 2024
  2. Mrida: Nurturing The Love for Learning Among Tribal Children in India
    Strategy Mrida: Nurturing The Love for Learning Among Tribal Children in India

    The case documents the challenges of Priya Nadkarni and Digvijay Singh, the cofounders of Mrida Education and Welfare Society (MEWS). Recognizing the need for intervention at a much early stage of learning to alter the mindset and nurture a love for learning, the duo established the Riverside Natural School (RNS) under MEWS in 2016. RNS introduced innovative teaching models drawing on the tribal children's innate cultural capital and core strengths by integrating sports, computers, robotics, and other new-age technologies with the conventional formal education curriculum. The aim was to make the tribal children of the Mandla district in Madhya Pradesh develop a love for learning, gain worldly exposure, develop higher aspirations to become education-oriented, and thus be ready to take up jobs without any inhibitions. In this process, they identified the inherent socioeconomic issues and started addressing them. The program started showing results, beneficiaries grew in number, and outcomes improved.Also, public and private partnerships started building up for MEWS. What started with pre-primary to class four expanded to offer the program up to class seven. As children at the RNS started progressing to higher classes, Nadkarni and Singh felt the need to transition to a fully residential higher secondary school. This warranted extensive investment in infrastructure. With a nearly fully subsidized service model and reliance on donations, predominantly from individuals, Mrida had to mobilize funds for its expansion. In addition to funding, Nadkarni and Singh stared at a formidable human resources (HR) challenge compounded by the project's non-profit nature and geographic location.

    Learning Objectives

    The case will help students:

    • use the Theory of Change (ToC) methodology to plan, execute, and evaluate change,
    • strategically leverage cross-sector partnerships to scale social impact,
    • make use of the various funding options, being fully aware of limitations and considerations while operating a non-profit organization (NPO), and
    • analyze and understand the typology of the HR architecture of NPOs and manage the HR challenges of an expanding NPO.
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  3. Driving Digital Transformation at Tata Steel's Marketing & Sales Department: A Change Initiative
    Strategy Driving Digital Transformation at Tata Steel's Marketing & Sales Department: A Change Initiative

    Set in 2019, this case explores Tata Steel's journey in utilizing digital technologies to enhance customer engagement. Tata Steel, founded in 1907, had emerged as the ninth-largest steel conglomerate globally, with major production facilities in India and overseas. With a focus on B2B, B2ECA, and B2C markets, the company established a task force on digital strategy to drive innovation and stakeholder experiences. They prioritized initiatives such as reverse mentoring and the Digital Enthusiasts Exploration Program. The company aimed to "Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast" in delivering digital projects in the Marketing & Sales division. By creating a digital roadmap and filtering initiatives based on value and execution feasibility, Tata Steel identified opportunities in each market segment. The division successfully embraced digital transformation and overcame challenges during Phase 0 and Phase 1. The case explores future considerations, including regional expansion, exploring new technologies, and upskilling the team or hiring consultants.

    Learning Objectives

    This case provides insights into successful transformation, including techniques for making non-digital natives aware of technology, fostering digital literacy, and overcoming resistance. It offers a framework to accelerate adoption, addressing challenges faced by technology-averse organizations. The case explores transformation opportunities in B2B, B2ECA, and B2C segments within the steel industry, emphasizing enhanced experiences, streamlined operations, and data-driven decision-making.

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  4. Boosting Rural Entrepreneurship Through India's Common Services Centres: An Agile Grassroots-based Approach
    Strategy Boosting Rural Entrepreneurship Through India's Common Services Centres: An Agile Grassroots-based Approach

    The case discusses the development and implementation of a unique - and indeed, one of the world's largest - telecenter scheme, the "Common Services Centres" (CSC). The CSC scheme engaged rural entrepreneurs to meet the twin goals of ensuring last-mile delivery of e-governance services as well as supporting the development of indigenous entrepreneurship. The former has been a long-standing element of the government's plans to create a "Digital India", while the latter is geared towards serving as a source of employment generation and income growth to drive nation development. While highlighting contrasts between the different kinds of entrepeneurship that exist (specifically necessity/subsistence vs innovative entrepeneurship), the case also discusses in detail the unique challenges faced by subsistence entrepreneurs, which are likely to be common to all emerging economies, and how this scheme sought to address them through the deployment of innovative technologies. The case offers a high-level view into the creation and implementation of the CSC scheme, the processes of iteration and improvement it underwent, and the broad challenges it continues to face.

    Learning Objectives

    To help graduate students of public policy, public administration, and business administration understand the nature, drivers, and impacts of necessity entrepreneurship and large social enterprises in emerging economies, the players involved in driving such processes, and trade-offs for each.

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    Published: Jun 20, 2023
  5. Mariwala's Family Entrepreneurship Challenges (A)
    Strategy Mariwala's Family Entrepreneurship Challenges (A)

    This case discusses the leadership succession dilemma faced by Harsh Mariwala, CEO of Marico Limited, a fast-moving consumer goods company. Harsh wishes to relinquish the post of CEO and is in search of a capable successor. The company has complex business operations within India and abroad, which requires an effective leader with a strong understanding of business strategy. Harsh has limited successor options within his family. Outside the family, Harsh is unsure whether someone from outside Marico will be a more appropriate choice than an old-timer from within the company. The choice of the successor is critical as it will determine the future of the business and that of his family.

    Learning Objectives

    After reading and discussing the case, students should be able to appreciate the challenges and complexities inherent in managing a leadership transition within a multigenerational family business and develop a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics in such scenarios. This case is suitable for courses on:

    1. Strategy,
    2. Family business management,
    3. Corporate governance,
    4. Transgenerational entrepreneurship,
    5. Managing conflicts, and
    6. Institution building
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  6. Mariwala's Family Entrepreneurship Challenges (B)
    Strategy Mariwala's Family Entrepreneurship Challenges (B)

    This case discusses the dilemma faced by Harsh Mariwala, the business leader who relinquished the CEO position of Marico Limited, his family-owned fast-moving consumer goods company. Harsh had built the Marico business from scratch after a division in the senior generation of his business family. For over 30 years Marico had been an integral part of his identity and purpose of existence. Harsh is concerned about what to do after relinquishing his CEO position at Marico, which has so far defined his identity and purpose. At the same time, Harsh faces his family's pressure to ensure continued influence over Marico's business. Harsh is on a quest to carve for himself an identity that is distinct from Marico. He is facing the dilemma of how to detach from Marico and search for a larger meaning for his family business and himself. The is portrays a typical scenario of the letting-go challenge faced by family business leaders as they prepare to call it a day after a long spell of leading the business.

    Learning Objectives

    After reading and discussing the case, students should be able to appreciate the challenges and complexities inherent in managing a leadership transition within a multigenerational family business and develop a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics in such scenarios. This case is suitable for courses on:

    1. Strategy,
    2. Family business management,
    3. Corporate governance,
    4. Transgenerational entrepreneurship,
    5. Managing conflicts, and
    6. Institution building
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  7. Farm Laws 2020: Battle of Wits or More?, Supplementary Reading
    Strategy Farm Laws 2020: Battle of Wits or More?, Supplementary Reading

    Supplement for Case ISB350

    Learning Objectives

    From the case discussion, students will be able to:

    1. Understand the concept and application of Kotter's 8 Step Model of Change.
    2. Understand the concept and application of Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis.
    3. Understand the importance of a change agent in the change management process.
    4. Understand the concept and application of the Architect Pilot Scale Implement 1 (APSI) Framework.
    5. Understand the concept and application of the Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement2 (ADKAR) Model.
    6. Understand the concept of risk assessment and its management.
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  8. Farm Laws 2020: Battle of Wits or More?
    Strategy Farm Laws 2020: Battle of Wits or More?

    This case can be utilized to highlight the importance of the various aspects and stages of the change management process. The case follows the farmer's protest against the three farm laws introduced by the Government of India in 2020. It retraces the events that led the government to repeal the three farm laws on November 19, 2021. The case does not have a protagonist; however, role plays can be used in the class to draw attention to the points of conflict in the case. The case highlights the missteps of the Government of India at various levels in the change management process related to the three farm laws. The government's oversight in assessing the risk of resistance to the farm laws is also emphasized in the case. The case also identifies how the farm unions were able to initiate and sustain the protest for almost a year (which too, is an example of change management). The case at no point attempts to comment on or analyze the merits of the three farm laws framed by the Government of India. The case indicates that a change was imperative, but a judgment on the appropriateness of the three farm laws is beyond the scope of this case.

    Learning Objectives

    From the case discussion, students will be able to:

    1. Understand the concept and application of Kotter's 8 Step Model of Change.
    2. Understand the concept and application of Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis.
    3. Understand the importance of a change agent in the change management process.
    4. Understand the concept and application of the Architect Pilot Scale Implement 1 (APSI) Framework.
    5. Understand the concept and application of the Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement2 (ADKAR) Model.
    6. Understand the concept of risk assessment and its management.
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  9. Using Science for Climate Commitments: Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel
    Strategy Using Science for Climate Commitments: Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel

    The vision of Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group, in spearheading climate leadership in India, focusing on the proactive steps taken in steel manufacturing by Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Limited (MSSSPL) through science-based targets is presented. Case set in 2021, when businesses in India and countries around the world were recovering from the unprecedented setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the October 2021 COP26 Glasgow Summit, India had committed to achieve net zero by 2070, further reinforcing the need for corporates to take massive steps in reducing their carbon footprints. Anand Mahindra and Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer at the Mahindra Group, believe that there is an opportunity for the Group to do more to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The case illustrates the risks posed by climate change to businesses and the business benefits of setting science-based targets that can spur increased innovation potential, greater resilience against regulatory uncertainties, improved credibility among the new generation of investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholders, as well as better competitive advantage. Three years after committing to the SBTi, climate-induced challenges had become even more critical, necessitating swifter action to cut emissions across the value chain. The case discusses GHG emissions across 3 scopes, highlighting the value chain activities that contribute to Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions. MSSSPL has committed to reduce their emissions by 35% by 2030. Some of the measures adopted by MSSSPL to meet their GHG emissions reduction commitments to the SBTi such as improvements in raw material usage in various manufacturing processes, energy-efficient technologies to cumulatively reduce specific electricity and oil consumption, water use management, and waste management measures through a circular economy strategy. What more needs to be done by the company to keep up the momentum?

    Learning Objectives

    Scaling up excellence from company-level initiatives to sector-level goals; create an impetus across a wider group to take progressive steps toward climate action. Use of science-based targets (SBT) to address GHG emissions in steel manufacturing. SBTi as a tool for corporate climate change strategy. Addressing Scope 3 emissions. How firm-level sustainability metrics can be mapped against Porter's Value Chain Analysis Framework, identify opportunities to address value chain emissions.

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  10. Suprajit Engineering: Ensuring Family and Business Continuity
    Strategy Suprajit Engineering: Ensuring Family and Business Continuity

    Ajith Rai hailed from a humble background. As a first-generation entrepreneur, over the last three decades he had built a successful automotive business under the umbrella of Suprajit Engineering Limited (SEL). Rai and his wife, Supriya, along with their three sons were a close-knit family. The two older sons were deeply involved in the family business, and the third son was close to finishing his engineering studies. Supriya, a dentist, was engaged in the philanthropic activities of Supriya Foundation, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm of the business. Rai had seen many business families disintegrate for lack of governance, and hence early on in his business career, he decided to formulate a family constitution. His sole objective was to safeguard family kinship and business longevity. The case reveals not only the process adopted by Rai to formulate the instrument of family governance-the family constitution-but also his ability to focus on building the capacity of all family members. The case closes with Rai reflecting on the satisfying journey thus far and hoping that the family constitution will be comprehensive enough to take care of the conflicting scenarios that could arise in the future.

    Learning Objectives

    • Understand the importance of instituting different organizational entities into a family constitution,
    • Evaluate the possible conflicting scenarios that may arise on the basis of the policies devised in the SEL family constitution
    • Evaluate the different ownership models that family businesses can pursue for succession planning and wealth management.
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